2024 NSF Site Visit and Annual Meeting

The CBBG Year 9 Site Visit from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Annual Meeting will take place on Monday, October 21 through Wednesday, October 23.

Main Meeting Location: Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center, 800 Spring St NW, Atlanta, GA 30308

Host Hotel: Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center 800 Spring St NW, Atlanta, GA 30308 Phone: 404-347-9440

Dinner Location (Tues 10/22): 5Church Midtown 1197 Peachtree St NE #528, Atlanta, GA 30361

YR9 Annual Meeting Agenda (PDF): Click Here

Agenda is subject to change.

Day 0 , Monday, October 21 – CBBG Presentation Rehearsal Day

Start TimeEnd TimeActivity/EventDurationLocation
8:30 AM 3:00 PMCBBG Presenters - Presentation RehearsalGT Hotel (Conference Five)
3:00 PM4:30 PMIndustry Advisory Board Meeting90GT Hotel (Gold)
4:00 PM5:00 PMScience Advisory Board Meeting60GT Hotel (White)
6:00 PMLeadership Dinner - Science Advisory Board, Industrial Advisory Board, IDEA Working Group, and Thrust Leaders Ecco Midtown
40 7th St NE, Atlanta, GA 30308
6:00 PMPre-Dinner Reception GT Hotel 2nd Floor Foyer
7:30 PMDINNER ON OWN for all other attendees Click Here for Restaurant Recommendations

Day 1, Tuesday, October 22 – YR9 NSF Site Visit and Annual Meeting

Start TimeEnd Time Activity/EventDurationLocation
7:00 AMBreakfastGT Hotel Dining Room (First Floor)
7:45 AMWelcome, Georgia Tech DeanGT Hotel (Conference A)
7:55 AM8:05 AMRules of Engagement by Paul M. Torrens (NSF Program Manager)10

GT Hotel (Conference A)
8:05 AM8:25 AMCBBG Overview, Edward Kavazanjian20GT Hotel (Conference A)
8:25 AM8:50 AMReserach Program Reports Thrust1: Hazard Mitigation,Jason DeJong25
GT Hotel (Conference A)
8:50 AM9:15 AMThrust2: Environmental Protection, Anca Delgado25GT Hotel (Conference A)
9:15 AM9:40 AMThrust3: Infrastructure Construction, Paola Bandini 25GT Hotel (Conference A)
9:40 AM10:00AM Break20
10:00 AM10:25 AM Thrust4: Subsurface Exploration and Excavation, David Frost25GT Hotel (Conference A)
10:25 AM10:45 AM Testbeds, Edward Kavazanjian20GT Hotel (Conference A)
10:45 AM11:05 AM Industrial Collaboration and Innovation, Jafar Razmi20GT Hotel (Conference A)
11:05 AM11:30 AM Strategic Planning, Ed Kavazanjian 25GT Hotel (Conference A)
11:30 AM11:45 AM Break15
11:45 AM12:45 PM Lunch60GT Hotel Dining Room (First Floor)
11:45 AM12:45 PM CLOSED SESSION: NSF Site Visit Team Executive Session #160GT Hotel (Conference Five)
12:45 PM1:45 PMPoster Session60
1:30 PM2:00 PMCLOSED SESSION: Industrial Advisory Board and NSF Site Visit Team30GT Hotel (Conference Five)
1:45 PM2:00 PMBreak15
2:00 PM2:30 PMCLOSED SESSION: Science Advisory Board and NSF Site Visit 30GT Hotel (Conference Five)
2:30 PM2:45 PMBreak15
2:45 PM2:50 PMInnovation, Diversity and Education Activities, Dr. Claudia Zapata5GT Hotel (Conference A)
2:50 PM3:10 PMEducation and Outreach, Dr. Jean Larson5GT Hotel (Conference A)
3:10 PM3:35 PMDiversity and Inclusion, Drs. Delia Saenz and Jennifer Chandler25GT Hotel (Conference A)
3:35 PM3:55 PMEvaluation and Assessment, Dr. Megan O'Donnell20GT Hotel (Conference A)
3:55 PM4:15 PMStudent Leadership Council Presentation20GT Hotel (Conference A)
4:15 PM4:30 PMBreak15
4:30 PM5:00 PMCLOSED SESSION: Student Leadership Council and NSF Site Visit Team30GT Hotel (Conference A)
5:00 PM6:00 PMCLOSED SESSION: NSF Site Visit Team Executive Session #260GT Hotel (Conference Five)
6:00 PM6:15 PMNSF Site Visit Team Presents Questions to CBBG Leadership15GT Hotel (Conference Five)
6:15 PMCLOSED SESSION: NSF Site Visit Team Working Dinner and DiscussionGT Hotel (Conference Five)
6:15 PMCLOSED SESSION: CBBG Leadership and Invited guest to prepare responses to NSF Site Visit TeamTBD
6:00 PMCBBG Student and Faculty Dinner Five Church Midtown
1197 Peachtree St NE #528, Atlanta, GA 30361

Day 2, Wednesday, October 23 – YR9 NSF Site Visit and Annual Meeting

Start TimeEnd Time Activity/EventDurationLocation
7:15 AM8:00 AMBreakfast- Deans, Leadership Team, NSF Site Visit Team45GT Hotel (Conference Four)
8:00 AM9:00 AMCBBG Response to NSF Site Visit Team Questions60GT Hotel (Conference Four)
8:30 AMBreakfast - For Hotel Guests GT Hotel Dinning Room (First Floor)
9:15 AM11:15 AMStudent Presentation by IDEA Team120GT Hotel (Conference A)
9:15 AM11:15 AMStrategic Planning Workshop 120GT Hotel (Conference Four)
9:15 AMClosed Session: NSF Site Visit Team Working SessionGT Hotel (Conference Five)
11:30 AMBoxed lunches available for pickup before airport departureGT Hotel Lobby