CBBG Database
To address CBBG’s need for collection and reporting of Center activity data to the National Science Foundation (NSF), CBBG uses an open-sourced version of the ERC Project Center. The CBBG Database contains a set of common modules to handle all data collection and reporting for annual uploads to the NSF’s ERC Web Database. Once the information is uploaded into the ERC Web Database, tables, graphs, charts and figures are inserted into various sections of CBBG’s Annual Report to the NSF.
The NSF uses this information to compare the Center’s progress to other ERC’s and to an NSF matrix of at what level an ERC should be performing in any grant year. Failure for an ERC to make progress each year could lead to the termination of NSF funding. This is why it is imperative that every member of the CBBG team (faculty, student, staff) enter information such as demographics, publications, presentations, internships, etc., into the CBBG Database.
Quick Links:
- Access the Database – email details to request database access
- Log In and Complete Your Profile – set your password and add details to your profile
Database Job Aid – Existing Users
- Update Your Profile – Review and update your profile monthly with Papers, Presentations, Curriculum, Outreach Events, Degrees, Jobs, etc.
- Add an Activity to Your Profile – Link Papers, Intellectual Property, Degrees and Jobs, Curriculum, Outreach Events, or Personnel Exchanges, etc. that are already in the database to your profile
- Add Outputs/Impact to the Database – Add a NEW activity (Papers, Intellectual Property, Degrees and Jobs, Curriculum, Outreach Events, or Personnel Exchanges, etc.) that is not already in the database