Diversity and Inclusion

Pre-college and College Educational and Diversity Programs

The CBBG leadership exemplifies “diversity that fosters diversity,” and brings together four universities with large minority enrollments and exemplary outreach STEM programs. The CBBG’s comprehensive educational and diversity programs include outreach to K-12, community college, and 4-year college undergraduates to expose them to scientific principles and engineering solutions. Undergraduate and graduate curricula, mentoring and internship programs, and professional development programs such as job shadowing are used to train a workforce equipped with the interdisciplinary skills necessary for success in this emerging field. CBBG outreach programs are designed to captivate a diverse group of students and foster interest in the interdependence between societal well-being, the engineered infrastructure, and the natural world.

June 8 2020 – CBBG Leadership Team Statement

June 26, 2020 – Delia Saenz (CBBG Diversity Director) Statement

Resources for Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity:


We are pleased to announce a new BioGeotechNotes weekly feature: Resources on Inclusion Diversity and Equity, or RIDE. To enhance our commitment to educating ourselves on issues associated with equity and inclusion, and to foster creation of a welcoming and inclusive environment, this space will highlight different resources each week on these important topics. These weekly recommendations compliment the many resources now included in both our Diversity and Inclusion webpage and our CBBG Slack Channel Diversity-and-Inclusion. Our intent is to promote greater awareness and understanding of the barriers, both explicit and implicit, faced by some of our colleagues and also to provide recommended actions in response to injustice.

October 27th, 2020 – UPDATE:

Because of the time demands on each of us, we decided to take a break from posting RIDE recommendations this week. Furthermore, as we think about our work going forward, the IDEA team would like to hear from you as to the value you see in continued posting of resources in the newsletter.  Note that we have a SLACK channel and a diversity webpage, which serve as respositories for suggested readings/activities.  The RIDE section simply complements these resources by highlighting selections that may be educational or of interest to our members.  

Please let us know if you reap benefits from these weekly recommendations, if you would like to continue seeing the RIDE section in the newsletter, or if you have other recommendations for promoting inclusion in our Center. Feedback and suggestions can be sent to [email protected].


Week 1: June 29th – July 3rd, 2020

Week 2: July 6th – 10th, 2020

Week 3: July 13th – 17th, 2020

Week 4: July 20th – 24th, 2020

Week 5: July 27th – 31st, 2020

Week 6: August 3rd – 7th, 2020

Week 7: August 10th – 14th, 2020

Week 8: August 17th – 21st, 2020

Week 9: August 24th – 28th, 2020

Week 10: August 31st – September 4th, 2020

Week 11: September 8th – 11th, 2020

Week 12: September 14th – 18th, 2020

Week 13: September 21st – 25th, 2020:

Week 14: September 28th – October 2nd, 2020:

Week 15: October 2th – 9th, 2020:

Week 16: October 12th – 16th, 2020:

Week 17: October 19th – 23rd, 2020:

Partner University Resources

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