CBBG applies biogeotechnical techniques to create sustainable, resilient, and environmentally compatible solutions for construction, repair, and rehabilitation of civil infrastructure systems, including:
- transportation systems
- commercial, institutional, and industrial development
- residential development
- resource recovery systems
CBBG also provides bio-mediated and bio-inspired solutions for remediation of soil and groundwater and for ecological restoration of degraded landscapes. The Center Director and Center Leadership Team relies upon guidance from industrial and scientific advisory boards when establishing Center priorities and allocating resources.
Please contact the Center at [email protected] for additional information on our programs and opportunities for membership.
The Industry/Practitioner Advisory Board is comprised of representatives from across the value chain of firms engaged in infrastructure development, including specialty consulting firms, E/A design firms, ground improvement contractors, facility owners, public works agencies and regulatory agencies. The Center has firm commitments from representatives in each of these sectors to participate as members in the IPAB.
The Scientific Advisory Board is comprised of leading scientists who are vetted by the National Science Foundation and not involved in Center activities. This board reviews the Center’s research and education programs annually.
CBBG brings together a diverse, interdisciplinary group of scientists and engineers from four major universities to meet the CBBG goals. Center investigators have all made contributions as individual investigators in their field. The center leverages the knowledge, expertise, and facilities of these individual investigators, providing a synergy that no single investigator or university can achieve on their own.
The Leadership Team is comprised of highly qualified investigators who work at the forefronts of their fields. The Center Director and Thrust Leaders have worked together academically and/or through their professional societies for a minimum of 8 years and in one case for almost 30 years. The contributing research faculty represents a mix of eight complementary disciplines (Civil Engineering, Life Sciences, Geology, Chemical Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Education, and Computer Science).
International Collaborators
International collaborators participate in CBBG educational and technical programs. CBBG is the hub of an international network of biogeotechnical researchers who exchange knowledge and ideas in the emerging sub-discipline of biogeotechnical engineering. Exchange programs with international collaborators provide an opportunity for CBBG students to expand their knowledge and skill sets in unique and imaginative ways, enhancing both their training and CBBG’s global impact.
CBBG Scholars
CBBG activities include workforce development through K-12, community college, and science center outreach; undergraduate recruitment; undergraduate and graduate curriculum development; and professional development activities, with a special focus on enhancement of diversity within the workforce.
Student Leadership Council
Undergraduate and graduate student researchers across the four university partners form a student leadership council that are responsible for initiating and coordinating activities in support of the outreach, mentoring, and technology transfer efforts of the center.
Organization and Facilities
CBBG researchers are supported by an extensive network of laboratory facilities and test beds to accomplish their research agenda. University facilities include multiple laboratories at each partner institution and two unique field station test beds: the Center for Geotechnical Modeling at UC Davis, with its National Geotechnical Centrifuge, and the ASU East Campus Field Station constructed specifically for CBBG. These facilities are supplemented by field-scale test beds and worksites provided by our industry partners. The dedicated CBBG headquarters at ASU includes a fully mediated classroom, conference, and office space.