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Student Presentations on CBBG Research – SLC
Student Presentations on CBBG Research Projects Hosted by Student Leadership Council
Michael GomezGraduate Student, Center for Bio-mediated and Bio-inspired GeotechnicsUniversity of California, Davis | Sheldon JohnGraduate Student, Center for Bio-mediated and Bio-inspired GeotechnicsNew Mexico State University | ||
Mahdi RoozbahaniGraduate Student, Center for Bio-mediated and Bio-inspired GeotechnicsGeorgia Institute of Technology | Caitlyn Hall Graduate Student, Center for Bio-mediated and Bio-inspired GeotechnicsArizona State University |
Friday, February 17, 2017
Abstract for Michael Gomez: Microbially-Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) is a bio-mediated soil improvement technology that can improve the geotechnical properties of granular soils through the precipitation of calcium carbonate (calcite). Although calcite bio-cementation may be completed through a variety of different biogeochemical pathways, this presentation will examine biochemical changes observed during calcite precipitation via ureolysis from experiments involving Sporosarcina pasteurii and stimulated native ureolytic soil microorganisms. Select results will be presented which may have implications with respect to treatment uniformity of bio-cementation improvement and optimization of solution constituents.
Bio: Michael Gomez is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Davis. His research interests include Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) and biostimulation. Michael will be graduating in March 2017, and has accepted a faculty position at the University of Washington.
Abstract for Mahdi Roozbahani: It has been estimated that ants use less than 0.1% of the energy that the most advanced human tunneling machines do to excavate the same volume of soil. In this study we analyzed ant structure topology and critical pathways through discrete element modeling simulation and network analysis.
Bio: Mahdi Roozbahani is a Ph.D. candidate at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research interests include modeling and simulation, network analysis, and granular materials.
Abstract for Sheldon John: Typical subsurface exploration devices are rigid and are driven into the ground by means of a surface ‘anchor’. In nature, earthworms have evolved to move within the ground using a completely different adaptation: a soft body with no surface anchor.
Bio: Sheldon John is a M.S. candidate at New Mexico State University. He is researching bio-inspired geoprobes. Sheldon is currently a member of the CBBG Student Leadership Council.
Abstract for Caitlyn Hall: In response to the SWOT analysis, a student-led, private student directory was developed to facilitate student-student and industry partner-student interaction by displaying students’ project information, interests, and contact information. The directory also will allow for information sharing in a blog format about lessons learned, new articles, student-led events, and more.
Bio: Caitlyn Hall is a Ph.D. candidate at Arizona State University. Her research interests include mathematical modeling and up-scaling of MICP via denitrification for liquefaction hazard mitigation. Currently, Caitlyn is a member of the CBBG Student Leadership Council.